Although I have seen moderate success as a health/fitness coach there have definitely been a lot of moments when I wondered if I was doing the “right” thing. Was the stirring in my heart to help women coming from a good place or was it coming from a selfish place?
Should I be satisfied with the job I already have?
Should I just accept being a working mom?
Should I stop wishing away my commute?
Should I really keep investing time and energy into this business?
Should I trust God?
Should I have more faith?
Truth be told this storm that is swarming is causing me to doubt the calling on my life to be a coach. The financial struggle is making me second guess investing in my dream business. The doubts are causing me to want to run from this adventure.
We all have a choice when a storm hits.
Do we run back to the safety of the shore or do we ride the storm out trusting and believing in the One who has called us out of our comfort zone?
We have to look at the whole picture.
We have to think about what faith looks like in our lives.
Should never bring happiness. -Shauna Niequist
Not only does should NEVER bring us happiness but faith requires we trust in something we can NOT see right now.
When Abraham was called he had no clue what that required or looked like in his life but, you know what he went anyways!
And he went out not knowing where he was going: without sight, without a plan, without a surety of anything except that God would go with him and there would be an inheritance-he went out! -Lore Wilbert, She Reads Truth
I do know in my heart helping women grow and achieve their goals is my purpose in life.
I do know God has brought me this far and will not leave me.
I do know that everything keeps lining up even if at the last-minute.
Trusting and believing in my calling requires me to keep waking each morning with hope and confidence that only comes from Him.
This journey is NOT easy.
There will be days of doubt.
There will be moments when I am sore, tired and drained but, I must push on to reach the finish line… because if I give up know I will NEVER know what God had for me or my family.
Are you struggling with something today?
Do you have doubts about your calling?
Do you waste time shoulding on yourself?
May I encourage you to keep pushing. Keep reaching. NEVER give up because God has something amazing for you but, first you must have faith and hold tight through the storms of life to reach to new heights.
Father God we thank You for Your word. We thank You for all the examples of what faith looks like in application. Give us strength to hold on and not give up when the storms of life hit us. Give us strength to NEVER give up on the dreams You have placed in our hearts. We thank You for this journey even on the tough days. It is in Your precious name we pray, amen!
The post To Live or Drown appeared first on Ronel Sidney.